Thursday, September 26, 2013


Curiosity is little more than another name for Hope. 
~Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers, 1827

I am almost 2 weeks into my new role as a "teacher." So far it has been an enjoyable learning experience for me. I have the pleasure of spending 90 minutes a day with 21 excellent young people. They are at varied levels of English experience but I find their eagerness to learn and curiosity very inspiring. I also am enjoying the topic we are studying together, "Individuals that Impact our World." Thank you to the many of you that have shared your personal stories and ideas with me for this course. Keep them coming! Right now the students are researching an extraordinary person and writing a formal paper. I am looking forward to reading their work. They have chosen some incredible people, MLK, Lincoln, Muhammad Ali, Malala Yousafzai, Einstein, JFK, Obama, Tesla, Clinton, Mother Teresa, De Vinci, Jesus, Susan B. Anthony, C.S. Lewis, John Lennon, Isaac Newton, Galileo, Armstrong, Adam Smith, Shakespeare, and Freud. They also will be presenting to the class.

I begin each class with a quote from a notable person who has made a contribution to society. Today was "Music can change the world because it can change people." ~ Paul Hewson. No one seemed to know who he was as I gave some of his public humanitarian efforts and notable facts, including being nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize twice, touring the world with his band, and touring the world as an advocate for aids awareness and speaking out against poverty. It wasn't until I played "Beautiful Day" on my iPad that they realized it was BONO and all wanted to sing along. HA!

Please pray that this course, only 9 weeks long, will inspire these students to see themselves as leaders for a better Albania. There is a lot of corruption in the systems and government. It will take people of intelligence and integrity to bring about change. I see hope when I stand before this class. As more young people come to know Christ and choose to follow in His examples I believe there will be change. Lord let it start with us!

In other news, friends Phil and Betsy Moyer, from Salford Church visited Justin and I the other week. How wonderful to be in the company of these fine folks! They enjoyed meeting the Shahinis, touring the school, and spending time with friends in Kosovo. I enjoyed hugs from home, salsa from mom, and a fancy meal. In fact they had such a great experience they promised to return soon for a longer stay! How exciting!




Sunday, September 22, 2013


I survived the first week of school but I am guessing this rooster did not. Today I witnessed a chicken put in a duffle bag for transport. What next?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

First Day!

This is the LAC pin that we all wear proudly each day! 
"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." 
~ William Butler Yeats

"LAC is a light to Lezha." 

~ Justin Rittenhouse

 So, it is finally here! The "First Day of School Eve!" I have spent the last 6 weeks preparing for this day and now I greet it with much expectation! It feels a little like New Years Eve, in that it is a beginning and I am hopeful and excited for what amazing things are in store for the year. Of course I am nervous, but that is normal, especially since everything is new. New job, new students, new co-workers, and I am even teaching a class, which was completely unexpected! However, I rest in the promise that God is with me and has prepared me, and equipped me, for this moment. He is the same here in Albania as He is at home in PA. In fact, I have had the most wonderful experience in church the past few Sundays. We have sung familiar songs, which I love. I may not be able to join in the lyrics but my heart and mind is in unison as I meditate on what I know the song is about. Today was sang Chris Tomlin's song "Here I am to Worship." How beautiful to transcend language and worship God in community. I feel very "at home" in the church here. Pray that our school can feel "like home" to our students as we share the grace and love of Christ with them.

This is my classroom where I will teach 21 seniors, "Individuals that Impact Our World: a writing intensive course," 3rd block from 11:10 - 12:40.
It will be much more interesting when they are actually there!

Monday, September 9, 2013


I am shamelessly using my blog to elicit help from all of you. I just found out I will be teaching a class. I have decided to call it "Individuals that Impact our World." It will be a course for 11th and 12th graders. The content of the class will focus on people who through amazing efforts of peace and creative solutions, have made a positive impact on humanity. While engaging in this topic students will practice their skills of research, writing, group work, and public speaking. I have one week to come up with my outline and curriculum. The good news is that the students will do most of the work and I will be more of a facilitator. What I am asking you for help with is would you share your thoughts on this topic? Who is someone that you have seen make a positive contribution to our world? Also, if you have read a good book about that individual would you consider donating it to our library so we can increase our resources on amazing people and  this topic. I have no budget to work with so at this time the students will do all their research on the computers. I am open to creative ideas for the course as well. I hope to get some guest speakers from the Peace Corps and maybe some other connections that Klementina has. We also want to learn about the UN and take a field trip to the capital to see the government buildings. One resource I am wanting is Leymah Gbowee's book, "Mighty Be Our Powers". I have read it and found it very inspiring. If you could comment directly to the blog if you plan to send a book or email me directly your ideas to   And of course, pray for me as I lead this new course. It has potential to excite young minds to impact their own worlds. I am humbled by the opportunity and feel ill-equipped. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Job Title?

Hard to believe I have been here one month! I have had many new experiences like an Albanian wedding, eating a fish head, and mopping the
floor EVERY time I shower. However, we have not started school so I also feel like I haven't even begun my experience yet. My office is starting to feel more like my own, though the door still says "Finance Office". A daily reminder to me that they have not had a Guidance Counselor before and in fact don't even know what one is. If you looked up "Guidance Counselor" in the Albanian Dictionary I am pretty sure it would say "Cindy Moyer". I am the only one, which is exciting because I get to define it! Ha, don't let me fool you, reality is that there is NO job that I won't likely do this year. In fact, I may be teaching a class which has me extremely nervous since that is not were my heart or training lies. I want to be flexible and do what is necessary but honestly that seems more of a stretch than I know how to make. I have met a handful of students as they have been coming to volunteer. Working with them gets me excited for them all to come and fill the halls. On the other hand it feels like we are not near ready for them yet. The teaching schedule is a real challenge for Klementina and I to figure out as enrollment has increased by almost 100% and our teaching staff has not. I will keep you posted as my role here takes more shape.

In the meantime I am including a few pictures from the wedding this past weekend. The Shanini's daughter came from the States to get married here. The wedding was at the castle and the reception at the school. It was beautiful! I felt privileged to attend and enjoyed helping with the clean-up the next day.  

There was a live band and endless food. The party went until 2:00 in the morning! There was a great mix of American friends, family, and community present! Everyone had a wonderful time!