Friday, February 28, 2014

Goings on...

Life at Lezha Academic Center has been rolling right along! This past month we had an addition of new volunteer teachers to help diversify our curriculum and give much needed support in our daily schedules. We also welcomed into our school and church community a volunteer group of 6 ladies from the mission organization "World Race." We were one of their stops in a year long tour of 11 countries. They stayed a little over 3 weeks and helped with church activities and English tutoring after school. We benefited from their youthful energy and enthusiastic service.
The current "Missionary Staff" at LAC and Sandra who left last month

In many ways my life has fallen into a normal routine. I go to work at 7:30 and leave around 5:00, most days I then go to the gym and workout, many times stopping on the way home to buy water for the next few days. Then I set about making dinner and find ways to unwind in the evenings. Even the unexpected power outages, changes of work expectations, and supply shortages have become routine (though still frustrating). Almost daily I struggle with understanding how I can be used by God here in Albania. I know He called me, but I don't know that I can see the fruits of my obedience yet. Today I was given the opportunity to give my Testimony in assembly. This was something I was really excited to be able to share with the students. In addition it was a good time for me to reflect on how much God has guided and impacted my life journey. I am reminded that often in the midst of life's experiences I have no idea how God is working and the impact it will have on me or those around me. I need to just trust that He is in control and He cares for me. This was true in Pennsylvania and equally true in Lezhë, Albania.

   I was glad to have Klementina translate for me.
The kids seemed attentive and I am just praying that there was something in my story that could help them in their understanding of God. 

Fried dough I bought on the street in Tirana. It is an Italian treat and since then
Valentina has also made it for me and her's were even better!