Sunday, August 11, 2013


I am starting to feel settled. The flight was long and left me very weary. The time difference is 6 hours ahead so that took some adjustment. Last night I finally got a normal night's sleep. I was greeted at the airport by Dini Shanini, husband of my Principal, Klementina. They have been wonderful at making me feel welcome and at home here. The school building is 5 stories and I live on the 4th floor right next to the Shanini's. We have all the comforts of home, though I have already experienced power outages and times no water.
I like my kitchen which connects to the living room.
The concrete white walls are very bare but I am
hoping all of you will send pictures!

My apartment has it's own bathroom.

Back view from my patio.

Front courtyard.

On top of the hill is the castle. They light it up at night and you can see it from everywhere in Lezha. I hope to explore it in the near future.



  1. Is it bad that I spent more time looking at the pic of your bathroom that any of the other pics? Looks like you could take a shower while sitting on the bidet! LOL! I guess that's just how my mind works! I really do love seeing the other pics of your apartment, etc. too.

  2. Whew, that is beautiful scenery! Keep the posts coming!
