The Past lies upon the Present like a giant's dead body. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne, The House of Seven Gables
It would be predictable if I told you about my transition to Albania, and I may do that. However, my goal in this blog is to share with you a bit of the transition I am seeing in the country and culture. I hope over the course of the year I will be able to articulate more the dichotomy of old and new and hope for reconciliation of the two. This cart I saw this morning is a perfect example of the old but I could've just as easily found a new Fiat or Range Rover to snap a picture of. I just figured you have seen those fancy cars before and this one may be more unique.
Klementina says that, "God created Albania to be beautiful but the people have not done their part to take care of it." Granted we are in the city and it is always a challenge to keep a city clean, but the amount of garbage in the streets and in this case, the river, is obscene! Klementina also has told me of beautiful spots in the north, and to the south that I will hopefully get to see.

The past few mornings I have been to the gym! Klementina has encouraged me to get up early with her and walk around the city and than go lift weights. We both look like foreigners power walking around in our t-shirts and shorts. This is not a common sight but we both are used to being the center of attention. Me because I am a foreigner, and her because she is Klementina Shanini. I finally am friends with someone famous, only just in Lezha Albania. The reason the gym is empty is not only because we are early but because she has her own key! She also has a key to the city's soccer stadium if we feel like running on the track.
Klementina and I having our morning cappuccinos at "My #1 Bar."
More on "Transition" later as I sort it all out.